$144.85 today by 10:45 AM EST. In the gig economy, that’s not a bad day. It ain’t the $1K a day I’m shooting for, but I’m happy, thankful, and blessed.…
There’s this dead pine about 50 feet from the back bathroom. Two buzzards—massive creatures—have taken up residence at the two highest points. I’ve been studying them for the past two…
Taco Bell Mexican Pizza returns: proof positive that God still loves human beings. #tacobell #mexicanpizza https://www.tacobell.com/food/specialties/mexican-pizza Two tortillas. Beef (yeah, it's the Taco Bell kind, but who cares). Beans. Cheese.…
So, I'm looking for Working Remote Survival Tips. How do you survive working remotely? How do you thrive working remotely? So is this what your work-from-home setup looks like? I…
I was working an e-commerce contract recently that ended yesterday. In the debriefing with the owner, he made the comment, "You don't want to be here do you?" I answered…
Kindle Vella is relatively new to the scene. Its claim to fame is that it gives authors a chance to write smaller, episodic material for their audiences on an ongoing…
Ya Gotta Pay to Play, a new writing project has launched: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V8BXSL5/ref=sr_1_1?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1646998611&refinements=p_27%3ADavid+Elwin+Lee&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 You can see the rest of the Ya Gotta Pay to Play series on Amazon. Issues will be…